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Throat Chakra Activation Workshop- ONLINE @ 1 pm EST

2.5 hour Zoom Poses & Practices Zoom Workshop (Saturday May 20 from 1-3:30 pm EST) for Throat Chakra Activation PLUS 1 hour Zoom "Integration Session" (Tuesday June 6 from 7:30-8:30 pm EST) for further processing/digesting/ the chakra energies. (Zoom links provided after purchase.)

1:00 pm

Do you

* have chronic tension or pain in your shoulders and/or neck?

* have thyroid dysfunction/disease?

* want to discover/reclaim/empower your voice?

* want to feel that your life/work/relationships are a better reflection of your true/inner self?

* want to manifest what you DO want rather than what you don’t want?

* have something to say/do and you are having major difficulty saying it or doing it?

* want to spend more time and energy on your creativity/ creative projects/creative expressions?

* have a difficult time expressing your true thoughts and feelings around other people?

* want to be more thoughtful, truthful and powerful in your speaking/ living/ being?

* feel/know that at some point in your life something happened and you "lost your voice”?

* get very uncomfortable with speaking in public/in front of others?

* have chronic tightness in your jaw/ get regular "tension headaches”?

If you answered "yes" to any or all of the questions above...‍

Throat Chakra Activation Yoga will help!

Join us at the Throat Chakra Activation Workshop

to activate the Throat Chakra energies within you

and learn the Throat Chakra Activation Yoga “tools”

-postures, breathing techniques, sounds, visualizations, meditations, affirmations-

to heal, nourish and strengthen this essential aspect of All-You-Are!

TO GET ACCESS TO ALL 7 of the 2023 Chakra Activation & Integration Session REPLAYS,

sign up for the 2023 Chakra A Month ONLINE Membership: