Vox Lumina
The Adventures of Vox Lumina

The All-Water

Since 1996

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The Adventures of Vox Lumina

The Legend of Vox Lumina

I am the exiled Queen, returning to my homeland- Orga, the Kingdom of Organically Generated Sound,Time, and Form.
Vox Lumina
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The Adventures of Vox Lumina

Excerpt from The Legend of Vox Lumina

As a child she was given to transcendental moments; in a quiet space her mind would fill with a different texture of sound, many “voices” at high speed in a language she did not recognize.
Vox Lumina
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The Adventures of Vox Lumina

Captain’s Log, from Vox Lumina, The Forays into Syntha

When we came from Orga into the Syntha atmosphere there was so much we lost, so much we didn’t know.
Vox Lumina

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